Coffee!! I love coffee!!
After 2 days of fighting the headaches and pains and sleepiness,I brought it back. The doctor's words were to avoid caffeine intake and so I did. That said I am not going all in, I won't repeat my 22 oz coffee runs. But these headaches need to stop.
This morning I mixed a shot of espresso in with my 8 oz glass of milk in the morning and some sugar free caramel syrup. Not only was it delicious, but I also feel a little better.
Coffee has been studied for years and really has legit health benefits. For example coffee drinkers are less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and dementia. They also have fewer cases of certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes. (Here's a great article to tell you more in case you don't believe me.)
So why did it make me feel better? Well it helped derail the withdrawal symptoms, but I think it also had something do to with elevating my blood sugar giving that me that instant "happy feeling".
I've done my research and I understand that caffeine releases glycogen and that further aggravates the blood sugar roller coaster, especially in hypoglycemics. So coffee needs to go eventually but for now I think I will focus on it being more of a treat than a necessity. said it best, "Be extremely careful when and how you eliminate the offending substances. Only YOU, with the guidance of a health-care professional, can decide. Some patients choose to go at a steady pace. If you drink ten cups of coffee a day, gradually reduce consumption over a period of days or weeks."
As a side note a little sugar free caramel syrup (the coffee kind, not the ice cream kind) and some hot milk is delicious and a great way to curb that sweet tooth. I had that tonight with my whole grain toast before bed.
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